Carnegie Visual Arts Center
February 25-March 2, 2024

Oftentimes Louisiana folks are surprised when George Rodrigue’s work resonates outside of the state. But the truth is that although his heart always held tight to Louisiana, both George and his art, whatever the series, connect with people in many places, including Europe and Asia, but especially across America.

It’s easy to make that connection here, in an area filled with imposing oaks dripping with a rhythmic moss, waterways connecting and reflecting shores and sunlight and moonlight, and the friendly, engaged, appreciative locals who not only recognize George’s masterful contribution, but also go above and beyond to make the most of it! In northern Alabama, I don’t have to look hard to see, in nature and in humans, the bright, glowing destiny of a painted Rodrigue river ….or perhaps a road. Or, on this life’s journey, does it really matter?

The River is the Road: Paintings by George Rodrigue continues at the Carnegie Visual Arts Center through April 7, 2024.

Exhibition organized by the Life & Legacy Foundation, and supported by Singing River Trail and the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

Sunday, February 25

What a wonderful welcome and kickoff for an art-filled week, and all while surrounded by George Rodrigue’s magnificent paintings! Thank you to Decatur, Alabama and the Carnegie Visual Arts Center!

Monday, February 26

Staff/Docent training and an Evening with Educators

Docents, staff, volunteers, and teachers! Today was a joyous sharing with all of these groups in two extended sessions. They inquired, and they learned, and they fell in love with George Rodrigue and his work.

February 27-March 1

During this week Wendy visited with students from across northern Alabama, at the Carnegie Visual Arts Center in the city of Decatur. This included ten elementary and high school groups, plus two homeschool groups. We related Rodrigue’s landscapes beyond Louisiana, including a broader, yet personal, phenomenon of, as George often expressed, “the feeling of the South.”


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