Recalling Le Grand Dérangement…from Quebec

As my sister Heather and I travel within Quebec this week, I note a surprise within every hair-raising, lightening speed turn of our host’s, a former racecar driver’s, Hummer.  We flew (by plane) Thursday into Montreal and flew (by car) to the small village of Nominingue, where we remained two nights on a lake (anyContinue reading “Recalling Le Grand Dérangement…from Quebec”

The Artist’s Mother: Marie Courrege Rodrigue

“Aren’t you happy?” my uncle asked Marie Rodrigue on the night of my engagement to her son.  “You’re going to have a daughter-n-law!” “I had one,” she replied, her face deadpan.  “It didn’t work out.” When she died in 2008 at age one hundred and three, George Rodrigue’s mother still wanted to “go home” toContinue reading “The Artist’s Mother: Marie Courrege Rodrigue”

Hank Williams or Moon Mullican: A Blogging Dilemma

“I love how Louisiana artists yell out food names when they run out of lyrics.” -Elizabeth McClanahan, Senior at Loyola University, majoring in Music Industry Studies I intended this Jazz Fest post for weeks, focused on Hank Williams.  George Rodrigue and I trekked through rural Alabama last month, the Hank Williams Trail, with stops inContinue reading “Hank Williams or Moon Mullican: A Blogging Dilemma”